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标题: 我如何成为一名成功的兼职交易员 [打印本页]

作者: WHBadmin    时间: 2014-11-20 12:11
标题: 我如何成为一名成功的兼职交易员
我是 Joe Chalhoub, 一名电脑工程师,外汇交易员及策略制作者.我在3年前开始货币交易.前3个月的交易完全失败,我记得我亏损了我所有的钱然后我想退出,但是我不能,我认为如果我现在退出我将失去建立我自己商业的机会 .因此我停止交易并开始观察,学习,分析及实践.

观察: 我开始观察市场, 什么导致市场移动, 反映, 变化及交易.

分析: 我开始进行技术及基础分析;每次分析如何预测及反映市场变化以及我如何使用以获得收益.我将在以下的章节中讨论这些分析.

阅读:我购买了外汇交易书籍并阅读, 书中解释了有经验的交易者所使用的不同的策略和技巧.

实践: 我申请了免费账户并开始虚拟交易并尝试每一种我所创造的技巧并进行监测其变化.


我达到了我的目标并创建了成功的策略,但是并不足够;获得收益我需要不错过任何机会,外汇市场由于其是世界上最活跃的市场而充满了机会, 因此我必须周一到周五一整天始终坐着并观察及抓住机会.


此程序分析基本及技术数据并生成外汇信号自动传输到我的外汇平台自动执行并传输给我的网站会员. 所有都在没有我的干预下完成,我只是运行了程序,它进行分析并做出自己的决定 (买进,卖出或 观望).

百份之五的交易者获得成功,这百分之五与其它95的区别只是一件事情,就是努力工作. 外汇交易不是一种简单的行业,谁告诉你可以使您一夜暴富那就是95中的一位. 只有一种方式可以使您成为成功的交易员, 努力工作, 没有其它方法. 不要依赖于其他交易者或者顾问帮助你,依赖并对您自己有信心.

不要着急开始交易, 外汇市场不会丢失,将始终存在,给您自己6到12个月的时间进行学习, 分析,阅读,实践并创建您自己的策略, 将花费很多时间但是最终您将达到您的目标.



1 — 纪律: 为您的交易设置准则, 观察市场并且只在符合准则时交易,如果不符合不要进行交易.我的程序是大部分纪律型交易员,关注所有的准则,并监测市场只有在符合准则时交易 , 第二个优点是排除恐惧因素,只有在看到适合进场时才会交易.

2 — 资金管理: 是成功交易的主要因素, 如果某一天我亏损-60点我将退出所有的单子并停止交易,另一方面如果我获得+25点的收益我对我的单子设置止损, 此情况下收益将不低于+25点,我所有需要做的事情就是出去享受生活.

3 — 现在不交易:交易中最重要的事情是有些时间不交易,在观察图表并看到没有足够的波动或者今天不发布不够的报告后我做出此决定,最好是等待市场波动比较大时. 我建议在每月的第一天不要交易,我个人在每月的第一个周五公布 "非农业就业人数" 报告时开始交易.

4 — 分析:交易时我使用基本和技术分析. 基本面明确了市场的走势而技术分析是在趋势形成后使用. 我通过程序分析公布的数据并生成信号自动在交易平台执行并传输给我的会员.


5 — 技术指标: 在外汇市场有很多指标.我使用 ADX, Bollinger Bands来判断趋势及波动; RSI来判断买进或卖出;移动平均线来判断信号.最重要的技术是FIBONACCI,我建议交易者 执行此技术并用来确认交易.

最后,我必须说明外汇交易不是简单的, 很多时候我们都会感觉某个人在对我们使用阴谋以获得我们的资金, 但现实是没有什么是不可能的,其它成功的交易者并不比我们聪明而且他们也不是天才 ,现实是您工作越努力您离成为成功的交易者就越接近. 不要快速的退出因为此生意值得努力工作及奉献.

How I became a successful part time trader


I am Joe Chalhoub, a computer engineer, Forex trader and strategy builder. I began trading currencies 3 years ago. The first 3 months trading were complete failure, I remember I lost all my money and I was about to quit, but I couldn't, I felt if I quit now maybe I am missing the chance of having my own business. So I stopped trading and began observing, studying, analyzing and practicing.

Observing: I began observing the market, what causes movement, reaction, ranging and trading.

Analyzing: I began working with technical and fundamental analysis; how each analysis can predict and redirect the market and how I can use them both for my own benefit. I will talk about these analyses in the following paragraph.

Reading: I bought Forex Trading Books and read them, books explaining different strategies and tactics used by experienced traders.

Practicing: I created free accounts and began trading virtually and each technique I invent I tried it and monitored its performance and validity.

After one year of studies, analysis and practicing trading techniques and after many failure and frustration I reached my own strategy and it is working very well and each month my profit is positive.


I reached my targets and I built a successful strategy, but that's not enough; to make profit I must not miss any opportunity and forex market is full of opportunities because it is the most active market in the world, for that reason I must sit all time and watch and detect opportunities all day long from Monday to Friday.

How to resolve this problem, I can't sit and observe the market hours and hours, I have my career and my family, so I thought I must program my strategy, let the Information Technology do the hard work for me, and nobody is discipline as a software, so I created an artificial intelligent software which collects data from the market and implement my strategy on this data and detect opportunities 24/24.

This program analyses fundamental and technical data and generates forex signals which are forwarded automatically to my broker platform where the signals are executed automatically and forwarded also to my website members. All this is done without my interfering, I just run the program, it analyses and makes its decisions (Buying, Selling or stay aside).

How to succeed in Forex Trading

Five over hundred traders succeed in this business, what differentiate those five successful from the 95 others is one thing, it is the HARD WORK. Forex trading is not an easy business, and who tells you that he can make you rich in one night is one of those 95. Only one thing can make you a successful trader, HARD WORK, and nothing else. Don't rely on other traders or advisors to help you, rely and have confidence on yourself.

Don't begin trading quickly, the forex market will not go anywhere, it will stay forever, give yourself 6 to 12 months of studies, analysis, readings, practice and build your own strategy before begin real trading, it will take a lot of time and dedication but at the end you will reach your target.


I will not reveal my full strategy but I will reveal some techniques I use which help traders in their trades.

My strategy follows the following tips and techniques:

1 — Discipline: Put criteria for your trades, watch the market and only trade when criteria are met, if they are not met do not trade. My program is the most disciplined trader, it takes care of all of this, it monitors the market and only trade if only criteria are met, and the second advantage of this is the elimination of the fear factor, it enters a trade when it sees it is good to enter and fear nothing.

2 — Money management: It's the main key for good trading, I exit all trades and stop trading for a specific day if I lost -60 pips, in the other hand I put stop loss for my trades if I reached +25 pips profit, in that case profit will not get under +25 pips and it has open target, and all I have to do is go out and have fun.

3 — No trades for now: The most important thing in trading is sometime not to trade, I take this decision after looking to my charts and see that there is not enough volatility or there is no enough reports will be released for today and it is better to wait until market is more volatile. I advise traders not to trade during the first days of the month, personally I begin trading at the first Friday of the month when the "NonFarm payroll" report will be released.

4 — Analysis: I use fundamental and technical analysis while trading. Fundamental defines the trend of the market and the technical analysis is used after the definition of the trend. I trade the news by analyzing programmatically the released data for a specific report and generate signals which are executed immediately on the trading platform and forwarded simultaneously to my members.

Fundamental and technical analysis must be used together, if one is used without the other this will lead to failure.

5 — Technical indicators: In the forex market there is a lot of indicators which are used by many traders. I use ADX, Bollinger Bands to identify trends and volatility; RSI to identify an over bought or sold and Moving Average to identify a signal. And the most important technique is FIBONACCI, I advise traders to implement this technique and use it to confirm trades.

Finally, I must say that Forex is not easy, and many times we feel that someone is doing a conspiracy on us to take our money, but the truth is nothing is impossible, and others successful traders are not more intelligent than us and they are not genius from other planet, the fact is the more you work the more you become closer to become good trader. Do not quit quickly because this business deserves hard work and dedication.

By Joe Chalhoub

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